Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Its going to be a good day

Let me paint a picture for you.

The air is starting to get that early morning nip and its a little darker for my wake up time. The alarm goes off and I get out of bed, nothing short of a miracle. The world feels right.
Hop in the car. I'm on empty! No worries.... I'll swing by the corner gas station for a quick $25 worth. After all, it would be a shame to waste the on time wake up. Standing in the morning air, goofy God is good smile on my face. I notice that I am getting close to my $25... wait for it.......... wait...... almost there....... NOW!
Releasing the handle. Its dead on. YES! That's right.. SWEET! Who's the man.....
The station attendant does a general lee slide over the counter towards the door, confetti majestically fall from the sheet metal above and my name is announced on the PA while the radio plays U2 - Bullet the Blue Sky.... Sigh!!! Life is good!


Avelina said...

Allow me to be the first one to leave a comment. I have to say, I am a little jealous...my mornings never start like yours. This was my morning today..put dog on chain, dog annoying me by barking, bring dog in, he gets away from my grip, dog won't come in upon being called, dogs paws are dirty, me losing my cool, all before 7 a.m. Nice.

Avelina said...
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Avelina said...

C for Cathy that is...

Todd said...

what can I say.. Jesus loves me more....(smiles and shruggs shoulders)